What are the Key Benefits of Executive Coaching?

What are the Key Benefits of Executive Coaching?

The field of executive and leadership coaching has grown substantially over the past several years, and continues to gain momentum post-pandemic with the rise of virtual coaching. As a coach who is not only professionally trained and credentialed by the International Coaching Federation as a Master Certified Coach, I am committed to educating others about the powerful impact of coaching. In this VUCA world, now more than ever, leaders need to partner with an experienced coach to combat isolation, improve their confidence, learn how to operate in their zone of genius, and unlock their greatest potential.

Coaching is an incredible tool that gives you the necessary building blocks to rise, step into your own light and actualize your potential. It will absolutely transform you and your organization. It’s no surprise that high-performing leaders who have invested time and resources in coaching are able to cultivate employee engagement by developing, inspiring and motivating their teams. According to Forbes, ‘Unlocking Potential: How Executive Coaching Transforms Organizations,’ “Today, smart companies know that when individuals and teams are optimized to reach their full potential, bottom-line results trend upwards. The article further explains, “A Metrix Global study found that executive coaching has a 788% return on investment (ROI) based on factors including increases in productivity and employee retention.” This staggering ROI highlights that coaching is an extraordinary tool that will help you and your organization reach new heights. You can read the full Forbes article by clicking here.

Have you ever thought of hiring an executive coach? Executive coaching is near and dear to my heart as I have 20 years of professional experience in the field. It is my passion to utilize the power of coaching to help leaders rise in their career and make an impact without sacrificing well-being. In this November newsletter I share a firsthand coaching account from one of my previous clients, and explore the following topics:

  1. Three powerful steps to unlock your greatest potential

  2. What are the benefits of executive coaching?

  3. Firsthand client account of executive coaching

Three Powerful Steps to Unlock Your Greatest Potential

Partnering with an executive coach expands self-awareness and generates lasting action and impact. You engage in a process that helps you develop, grow and rise to your greatest potential. An executive coach challenges you and encourages you to consider new ways of thinking and innovative opportunities and strategies.  If you have been considering whether you really need a coach, the answer is most likely a resounding YES! If, however, you are resistant to growing and developing, or have the impression that you’ve already figured it all out, then be aware your blind spots and closed mindset may impede you from rising in your career. The reality is that you can never stop developing, growing and learning. Now more than ever, leaders need to “level up” in order to engage and motivate their teams. Through my own coaching experiences, I have determined that there are three essential steps that will help you to level up. If you can identify what is holding you back, you can pivot and be your own catalyst for positive change and growth. Follow these three steps to unlock the next level of your growth over the horizon.

  1. Turn challenges into opportunities – Think of the proverbial saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Each challenge we encounter in life gives us an opportunity to grow. Are you avoiding difficult situations or leveraging them to demonstrate your skills and grow beyond your current status? The coaching partnership provides a safe, confidential space to work through challenges and use them as stepping stones to rise in your career.

  2. Learn to push your boundaries and step out of your comfort zone – Be bold. Be courageous. Be fierce. Push what you know. By stepping outside of your comfort zone, you encourage experimentation, innovation and a fresh way of thinking. If you don’t challenge yourself you will never get the opportunity for profound and lasting growth. You never know what you might create or inspire by challenging yourself to think differently. For more on this topic, read last month’s LinkedIn article here.

  3. Cultivate a resilient mindset – In order to grow your leadership capacity, you must strengthen your mindset to be able to respond to the new norm of uncertainty in the world and business landscape. A resilient mindset is evident when you are able to ground yourself quickly in what is possible in any given situation, maintaining focus on the overall goals of your team and organization while also being adaptable and creative. Being able to stay calm as you utilize available resources to move beyond surviving the latest crisis to actually leveraging those aforementioned challenges to create new opportunities can catapult your career opportunities. Coaching provides an ideal format for practicing how you respond and roleplaying key conversations, supporting the expansion of your overall potential and on-going success.

To explore if coaching is right for you, click here to schedule a call to talk with me.

Benefits of Executive Coaching

Executive coaching provides a fundamental toolkit to take you and your leadership to the next level. The process will elevate your leadership skills, foster a growth mindset and cultivate resiliency.  The benefits are innumerous! According to Forbes, ‘Five Benefits Of Executive Coaching That Might Surprise You,’ “Many leaders turn to executive coaching when they want to elevate their leadership skills and keep up with a constantly changing workplace.” Listed below are the fives surprising benefits. You can read the article in its entirety by clicking here.

  1. Combat executive isolation – While most leaders initially turn to an executive coach to address a particular issue or grow in a certain area, they may quickly realize that the coaching relationship also helps mitigate their feelings of isolation and loneliness.

  2. Improve your thought leadership – An executive coach can partner with you to decide how you want to show up on LinkedIn and other social media platforms, what conferences you should be presenting at and other strategies you can deploy to grow your brand and online presence.

  3. Elevate your executive presence – An additional hidden benefit of working with an executive coach is refining your executive communication skills and influencing abilities. I previously did a deep dive into executive presence and how to cultivate it. You can read the full LinkedIn article by clicking here.

  4. Operate in your zone of genius – An executive coach can guide you in effectively playing to your strengths. This allows you to operate in your zone of genius as often as possible, allowing you to be more efficient at work and in life.

  5. Increase your self-confidence - An executive coach empowers you to be the best leader possible. Clients often report that this self-reliance leads to more confidence in their leadership skills and decision-making abilities moving forward.

Firsthand Client Account of Executive Coaching

I had the distinct honor and pleasure to coach Madeleine* over a two-year period. I am grateful that she is willing to share her compelling coaching story with you. Madeleine came to me with the following goals in mind:

  1. Improve thought leadership by elevating leadership competencies and growth

  2. Practice upward management

  3. Develop further emotional intelligence in the workplace

I partnered with Madeleine to develop a specific, tailored coaching strategy and toolkit for her. We worked together to identify challenges, foster awareness, increase self-confidence and strengthen her emotional intelligence. The experience was transformative for her, and she had many breakthroughs that directly impacted her leadership.


Leading in an authentic, human manner that acknowledges the breadth of each employee’s experience is important for building credibility and trust within an organization. Madeleine learned to cultivate a safe space for her employees, which allowed her to build an understanding that each one has a unique personality and preferred way of being managed. She cultivated a resilient mindset by separating her personal emotions, and learned how to use different motivational strategies that worked best for each individual on her team. In doing so, she was able to effectively deliver feedback, and manage difficult conversations with fairness and a steady resolve. Most importantly she learned the importance of celebrating mini milestones and wins for her team members as well as herself.

Upward Management

Many leaders find giving constructive feedback challenging and uncomfortable especially when it is provided upwards to their own manager. While that may be the case, it is an imperative skill to learn how to deliver feedback to upper-management in a productive and respectful manner. Madeleine developed the skillset to effectively structure and give feedback to senior management in a constructive way. Her manager even told her he learned from her and used her approach with another of his direct reports.

Emotional Intelligence in the workplace

Emotional intelligence (EI) is essential to building relationships, as well as achieving harmony, positive morale, and success in the workplace. EI is a multifaceted competency that takes time and practice to cultivate. Madeleine built awareness of her mental saboteurs and learned how to manage them so they did not negatively influence her as often as they had in the past. She learned how to pace herself and balance urgency while creating boundaries. Finally, she learned to practice a sense of calm in the workplace.

It was an absolute pleasure working with Madeleine. I always learn from my clients and our sessions. I am grateful that she garnered the confidence to do new things at work, and breakthrough her own personal barriers when trying new things. Madeleine said, “"Coaching provided me with structure, accountability and encouragement. It has been so helpful to have a safe space to explore the fears and challenges and find a way forward. I now have the tools and confidence to tackle challenges head on, since I now know I have done it before."

As you can see from this firsthand account, executive coaching provides substantial value to you and your employees. As a rising leader, why not open the door to evolution, growth, opportunity, and resiliency? Now is the time to “level up” yourself and your organization! Challenge yourself to grow and expand your current way of thinking. I am ready to partner with you to unlock the next level of your potential and would love the opportunity to work with you. Click here to schedule an exploratory call with me and let’s get started.


Erin Owen, MBA, MCC, JCDC/JCTC, CPQC (she/her/hers)

Executive and Leadership Coach

Website: https://erinowen.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erinowen/

*Client named changed to preserve confidentiality.

Erin Owen, MBA, MCC Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Elisa Silbert

Senior Executive across Finance, Media, Sport, Wellness Industries | Entrepreneurial Director with passion for understanding Trauma & Burnout on team performance | Certified Trauma Informed Somatic Therapist


Well shared Erin Owen, MBA, MCC 👐 Coaching is an incredible tool that gives you the necessary building blocks to rise, step into your own light and actualize your potential.

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